Alternative Therapies for PTSD
25Oct, 2021

How do Alternative Therapies for PTSD Support Mental Health?

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health issue that usually manifests after a traumatic event; combat, natural disasters, car accidents, and sexual or physical assault are all events that can trigger PTSD. Symptoms include: Flashbacks. Recurring memories or dreams about the event. Severe emotional distress and/or physical reactions to reminders of the event. An increasingly negative view of yourself or the world. Heightened arousal symptoms such as being easily startled, self-destructive behavior and difficulty sleeping. Feelings of depression. Often, without treatment, PTSD can be debilitating for those it affects, which is […]

7Jul, 2021

The Importance of Holistic Therapy

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The phrase “holistic therapy” might conjure many images in your mind. Maybe you imagine a yoga retreat, a steaming cup of herbal tea, or an hour-long acupuncture session. The beautiful thing about holistic therapy is that it can look very different for everyone, depending on what your body and mind need. So what exactly does holistic therapy mean, and more specifically, how is it defined? What is holistic therapy? To fully understand, we need to go back to around the 8th century B.C. The Greek word “Holos” means whole or […]