Your First Float: What NOT To Do

· May 6, 2019 Like

You always remember the first time you try something new. The feeling of excitement and nervousness all tied into one can leave its mark on you. The first time you float will be one of those memories you’ll never want to forget. Maybe you heard about it through a friend, or through a publication of some kind, or maybe you’ve had an interest but haven’t had the chance to try it out yet. Whatever the reason is that brought you here today, we’ve got you covered on how to ace your first float.

Here’s a simple to follow list of exactly what not to do before the first time you try flotation therapy.

  1. Caffeinate: Ditch the coffee, tea and soda pop for a few hours before the time of your appointment and opt for an extra glass of h2o instead. That buzzy feeling you get from drinking caffeine could prevent your body and mind from fully relaxing during the float. Let your body seize the moment and deeply indulge in the RnR that floating provides and we’ll have hot tea ready for you when you come out (caffeine free, of course).
  2. Shave: Skip the shave and leave that stubble right where it belongs! Shaving before a float can cause an itchy sensation during your session which will keep your mind preoccupied and active instead of relaxed and meditative.
  3. Dye: We love all colors of the rainbow but we don’t love them leaking into our precious salty water. If you have a recent dye job (and by recent we mean the color is still bleeding in the shower), please reschedule your appointment until the dye no longer bleeds while wet. The salt in our water solution can strip your hair of it’s recent color makeover and that’s no fun for anyone. Avoid the $500 contamination fee and instead, soak in the health benefits of magnesium for your hair, skin and nails. Win, win for everyone.
  4. Overindulge: Consuming overly sugary or greasy foods before your float can potentially cause nausea during the session. We’d suggest going a for a lighter snack and enjoying a full meal after your appointment. You’d be surprised how hungry you can get after just 60 minutes and how delicious food can taste from your post float heightened senses.
  5. Splash : Avoid splashing the salt water into your eyes. Do not touch your face during the float. Trust us, salt finds a way. We’ve provided a hand towel & fresh water spray bottle for each floater to use.

We all make rookie mistakes sometimes (it happens to the best of us). We felt it’s important to provide you a list of all these things NOT to do before your float so that the first time you do experience it, you walk out feeling your best.

Happy Floating!