True REST Tempe Takes on the Best of Phoenix A’Fare!

· October 6, 2014 Like
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Each year the Phoenix New Times presents a special issue: “Best of Phoenix”. From restaurants to bookstores to yoga classes—this special edition features everything and anything that makes Phoenix the great and bustling city that it is.
After each year’s choices are published, an annual event called the A’Fare is thrown; this year was the 15th annual A’Fare! The fun-filled event presents an opportunity for Phoenicians to come out and enjoy samplings from hand-chosen restaurants and other unique businesses around the valley.

Attending the event is a tradition for many, who look forward to coming and exploring the various “Best of” offerings each year–it’s a true honor for each business that participates.

This year the A’Fare was held at the Burton Barr Central Library in Downtown Phoenix; True REST was thrilled to receive the opportunity to participate in the event and spread word of Floatation Therapy to the many attendees!


Setting up front and center, True REST Tempe’s booth stuck out from the others. Armed with pamphlets, many delicious mints, salt lamps, an oxygen bar and their passions for floating, several members of our knowledgeable and enthusiastic True REST family dedicated their time during this all-night event to enlightening all who stopped by with the myriad of benefits that can be found in just an hour in a Float Pod.
In addition to educating fellow Phoenicians and sharing their own float stories, our team also provided complimentary oxygen bar sessions—a welcome and refreshing change of pace from the other traditional “bars” at the event.
It was fun to see the one and only “Oxygen Bar” listed on the event map:


Even in the midst of enjoying an endless stream of amazing cuisine, spending quality time on the dance floor(s), playing games for prizes and sipping free adult beverages, there was no lack of attention from guests towards the True REST booth.
Our Oxygen Bar Sessions started out at 4-5 minutes, but soon had to be shortened due to high demand—the line kept expanding, and stayed as such! It was fantastic to have such a turnout.
As the night wrapped up, the True REST team showed off their best moves on the dance floor—attesting once more to the lighthearted bliss that tends to accompany a floating lifestyle.
What a blessing to receive such a warm welcome at the A’Fare, and to have the opportunity to share what floating and True REST are all about with the attendees—many of whom were excited to learn more, ask questions and, of course, receive their complimentary oxygen session.
The night was a huge success; we look forward to meeting many new clients as they discover their own rewarding benefits of floating. As this relaxing therapy continues gain in recognition as the powerful tool it is, we are excited to continue to spread word of the need for and benefits of floats!
Were you at the New Time’s A’Fare? Did you stop by our booth at the event? If so, it was a pleasure for our team to meet and share with you.
Whether you attended Saturday night’s event or not, we would love to share our love for floating with you in person at the spa, or over the phone.
Pay us a visit, check us out online ( or give us a call if you have any questions or are simply curious to learn more about floatation therapy!