As a way of empowering and encouraging entrepreneurship across the United States, National Entrepreneurship Week was founded in 2006 to build equitable access to the entrepreneurship ecosystem, also known as a system that includes business practices, entrepreneurs, talent, knowledge and resources, culture and more. Entrepreneurs work diligently to build their business, dealing with the day-to-day struggles of a new venture to ensure their dreams of being a business owner are realized.
True REST Float Spa recognizes this week as a moment to not only support small and local entrepreneurs but to highlight its very own team across the country for its continuous drive to deliver holistic health and wellness to many communities. True REST has 39 locations in 22 states that offer float therapy to combat mental and physical health symptoms. Each location is a franchise system owned and operated by business owners who had the initiative to start their own business.
Sharing their stories of choosing True REST to become their own entrepreneur, here are a few stories from float spa owners:
True REST Skokie
Ihsan and Dawna Leggett were first interested in opening a float therapy spa because they were looking for a business that could blend their two passions of entrepreneurship and restoration of the mind, body and spirit. They chose to open a True REST franchise location because of the recurring revenue that came from the membership model, the ability to fill a gap in the market with True REST’s unique round pods and the offering of a health and wellness service that helps customers with challenges such as sleep, creativity and muscle recovery.
True REST Fresno
Michael and Britney Easton purchased their True REST franchise location because they love float therapy and it blended well with their holistic business background of yoga and cold pressed juices. The natural healing qualities of floating are core to Michael and Britney’s lives.
True REST Dayton
Business partners Tim Scott and Jameson Whaley opened their first True REST location in 2017. Since True REST aligned with their health and wellness careers in the medical field, Tom and Jameson have since opened four True REST locations spanning two states. They brought in Alex Mandich to manage the Dayton location and together, they deliver float therapy to surrounding communities, including active-duty military and veterans.
True REST McMurray
Adam and Tonya Winkler opened their franchise location after experiencing the relief as a benefit of floating. They wanted to have a location that was more convenient for them to float while providing the healing and relaxation properties to their community. They believe wholeheartedly in the power of float therapy.

Founded in 2009, and after months of research and dedication to the practice of float therapy, True REST’s desire to find the most effective methods of relaxation and healing resulted in the creation of a premier franchising system for healing and restoration. What started as a simple idea to bring the most advanced healing technologies to communities eventually branched into franchising business to help others nourish their entrepreneurial and small business goals. As a result, True REST has quickly become an innovative powerhouse for serenity and rejuvenation.
True REST works together with individuals, teams, and families to open spa locations with high recurring income and low overhead for skilled labor and independent contractors through their proven model centered around integrity, honesty, responsibility and groundbreaking technologies. True REST offers franchise owners hands-on support and “university” training from experts with decades of experience. This franchising model has proven effectiveness while also allowing locations to run and operate on their own once they’re established and familiar with the model.
True REST also shares its wins with every franchise location, knowing its success relies upon those who put in the hard work and effort to make float therapy an enjoyable and unique experience for all members. True REST were runners-up at the Inaugural Annual Franchise Innovation Awards in 2019, ranked at position 205 in Entrepreneur Magazine’s 2020 Franchise 500 list and number 7 on the Top New Franchise Concept in the Franchise 500 list in 2019 for Entrepreneur Magazine. In addition, True REST Omaha was named Best of Omaha in the Health and Beauty category for Omaha Magazine. True REST McMurray is the most recent spa location opening, with several more planned in Peachtree, GA; Draper, UT; Pensacola, FL; North Raleigh, NC and Parsippany, NJ.
Celebrating National Entrepreneurship Week is the perfect opportunity for True REST Float Spa to provide recognition. This season is full of team growth, franchising expansion and increased innovation with virtual reality, and none of it would be possible without the incredible team at every True REST wellness spa.
To learn more about the brand’s history, visit To find more information about float therapy and its benefits, visit