Welcome to floating, which can provide up to 100% pain relief. The spine naturally elongates and straightens, and the body undergoes the same regeneration process that transpires during sleep. Lactic acid is drained from the muscles, reducing soreness and recovery time.

Epsom Salts are great for your skin, hair, nails, and act as an exfoliate. They aid in joint pain, ease stress, and naturally relax the body. Magnesium (commonly missing from our diets) is absorbed through the skin, while Sulfate eliminates toxins and heavy metals, naturally detoxing the body.

Taking an hour of alone time (meditation), will decrease the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, leaving us feeling refreshed and serene after the float. The brain enters an elusive theta brain-wave state, associated with deep sleep and dreaming.
Pricing & Membership
60 Minute Float Regular Price
Buy A Float Gift Certificate
PLUS | $110/mo
Two 60 Minute Floats/month
(+2 shared users)
PREMIUM | $200/mo
Four 60 Minute Floats/month
(+3 shared users)
Unlimited Floats up to 2.5hrs/day
Mon-Thurs to 4PM
UNLIMITED | $367/mo
Unlimited Floats up to 2.5hrs/day
*All memberships come with complimentary use of the oxygen bar. Share floats with authorized user. (up to benefit amount above) Purchase discounted single floats for $59. No annual contract and float rollover! Unlimited Memberships may not be shared and are only honored at the store it was purchased. Sales tax and conditions may apply. See pricing page for more information